

Our journey began almost 3 decades ago when I ran into a group of pretty young ladies.and decided to say hello. That single hello changed our lives forever. We were both hustlers I sold almost anything that made a profit and she sold weed. To this day we laugh when we talk about this because she looked so innocent. We still hustle to this day but the product has changed. We decided to never jeopardize what God had blessed us with, each other. So we made a pledge to never endanger our blessings again with anything illegal.

We are firm believers in two things, 1 is Karna. Karma is as real as oxygen to us, what you do to others will come back to you. 2 Self preservation, your health is your wealth. You can not help anyone or anything if you’re not mentally and physically healthy. We sincerely mean that from the bottom of our hearts. We’ve lost people in our lives we loved dearly but we had to save ourselves nothing is more important then you.

This way of thinking has helped us prevail from day one. We are both products of poverty and low income housing. We both was exposed to the same elements that stopped so many people in there tracks. It never stopped us because we put in the work, made the sacrifices and failed our way to the top.

8 Minutes Matter is our way of giving back to the universe. Hoping that someone can learn from our mistakes and become financially secure from our experience.