Making Marriage Work
Who ever said marriage was easy is a liar, lol it’s actually a full time job.
This is the heading
Who ever said marriage was easy is a liar. Lol it’s actually a full time job, that to be successful at you have to be willing to sometimes sacrifice your personal endeavors, emotional drifts and single minded theories.
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Raising boys
Raising boys is totally different from raising girls.
Raising boys
Raising boys is totally different from raising girls. Boys require a extra since of self control. They will push you to limits that are far different then your little girls tantrums.
A beautiful get away
Whatever you do in your relationship find time to get..
A beautiful get away
Whatever you do in your relationship find time to get away. I mean get away alone. Just the two of you. Find a nice cozy destination.
8 Minutes Matter
Create something that’s worth you stretching for.
8 Minutes Matter
Create something that’s worth you stretching for. Find time to work on it. Let it give you purpose. 8mm gives me the purpose.
Love Matter
No matter what happens Love Matters.
Love Matter
No matter what happens Love Matters. Try to stay respectful think before you just emotionally blurt out something offensive. Words can cut like swords but love can heal like medicine.
Self introspection
Take 8 minutes out of your day a few times if necessary
Self introspection
Take 8 minutes out of your day a few times if necessary and breath, literally connect with your body. Ask yourself if you are doing well. Take a self introspection of your morning, afternoon and evening.
Through the Fire
Nothing is worth having in life if it’s easy.
Through the Fire
Nothing is worth having in life if it’s easy. There’s a old saying that says, if you want life to be hard do something easy. If you want life to be easy do something hard
Aruba a beautiful gataway
Claim a future place to retire at. Then create a vision...
Aruba a beautiful gataway
Claim a future place to retire at. Then create a vision board and put it there. Then create a adult piggy bank. Lol Look at it everyday. Every pay check drop something in it. I don’t care if it’s $10